Political Leadership Entrepreneur Network
The movement building better leaders for better democracies.

The Political Leadership Entrepreneur Network (PLEN) is a global multi-partisan community of organizations innovating political leadership. It combines the knowledge and collective power of 80+ organizations with the shared mission to make politics more representative and worthy of the public’s trust.
The PLEN is a supportive and practical space for political leadership entrepreneurs that exists to build the recognition, collective impact and strength of the political leadership innovation field.
This field is new. The work is hard. We will only build this together. The PLEN is growing rapidly. You can join now.
Why Join?
Inclusion in a respected global network of mission-aligned organizations
Exclusive access to collective knowledge and learning via the PLE Atlas;
Shared fundraising opportunities;
Global recognition and cross-promotion of your work; and
Access to impact metrics and learning from around the world synthesized in a global report.
PLEN Principles
Membership is free. It includes:
Name and logo included on the PLEN website
Badge and language to share with your networks that you are part of the PLEN
Connection with 80+ mission-aligned organizations
Invitation to join an annual online event hosted by Apolitical Foundation
Invitations to global events as speakers or attendees from fellow PLEN members
The opportunity to collaborate on funding proposals or research

Together, we can build better politics
For more information about the Network and becoming a member, please reach out to Anna Miller at anna@apolitical.foundation.